Ozone Therapy
Ozone's properties are used clinically to decrease inflammation and boost the immune system. Ozone is toxic to cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, and yeast cells. At Ashland Natural Medicine, we utilize Ozone therapies to more-effectively fight off these cells and organisms in the body.
Additionally, toxic chemicals in our environment and food chain create free radicals as a by-product of the detoxification process. This damages the energy-creating organelles inside our mitochondria (power generators of the cells). Repetitive ozone treatments have been shown to act as a potent antioxidant to boost telomerase activity, protect the mitochondria from damage from free radicals and, thereby, prevent DNA deterioration.
Discover the Benefits of Ozone Therapy Today
Consider ozone as a primary or important adjunct treatment for any preventative, acute, or chronic condition which would respond to increased oxygenation, energy production, and immune-system optimization. Benefits include:
Decreased inflammation
Increased wound healing
Improved digestion and intestinal healing
Increased antioxidant function
Clearing viruses, bacteria and fungus
Improved capacity for removing toxins
As an added bonus, ozone is used in anti-aging clinics all over the world to reverse the aging process in cells and organs.
Ozone IVs in our clinic are done by a process called Major Autohemotherapy (MAH). This is when some of a patient’s blood is drawn into a sterile container, then mixed with a patient-specific gamma level of ozone before returning the blood back into the patient’s body. This ozonated blood carries all of the aforementioned properties and benefits back to the blood, organs, mitochondria and cells, stimulating healing and gentle detoxification.