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Schedule an Appointment.


“What is included in the cost of the initial visit?”

New patient visits are:

  • $1,175 for adults (17 years and older)

  • $775 for children (16 years and younger)

This non-refundable deposit must be paid in full at the time of scheduling to reserve your appointments for both your serum/functional testing and your New Patient Intake with Dr. Chlebowski.

The $1,175 adult intake includes:

  • Serum testing and a blood draw with our nurse

  • Initial biometric testing, including bioenergetic feedback

  • Dr. Chlebowski’s time to analyze your serum/functional testing and lab work as well as any other testing you have completed previous to your intake

  • Up to 90 minutes one-on-one health history intake and examination with Dr. Chlebowski

  • Dr. Chlebowski’s time to formulate your initial treatment plan

  • All initial communication and support from the ANM team of professionals

This first cost does not include the cost of any recommended medicines, additional follow-up testing, or any other in-office therapies that may be recommended for your care.

To schedule an appointment, begin by submitting a New Patient questionnaire.

A new patient visit with our clinic is an investment in your health. It is our goal to create long term partnerships with clients who are sincerely interested in making positive changes for their well-being. We have found that over time these types of clinical relationships result in extraordinarily gains for our clients.

Over the last twenty years we have designed a model that is a true departure from most other healthcare settings.  This system is unique, but is most similar to the European BioMed model. This model recognizes that disease originates when there is a departure from natural processes and that health is restored, not through the treatment of specific diseases, but instead by removing obstacles to cure and raising the overall vitality of the patient. To that point, Dr. Chlebowski does not treat conditions – he treats people. He does not cure anything – but instead finds gentle, safe and effective remedies that help remind your body what it knows how to do innately - heal.

This process begins with our online questionnaire. This document is designed to determine which potential clients are a good fit with our clinic policies and approach to health care. Please fill out this questionnaire if you are interested in applying for care. Within seven days of our receipt of this questionnaire you will be contacted by a member of our care team to let you know if we are a good fit.

“Do you take insurance?”

We do not participate with any form of insurance, this includes Medicare. If you are accepted into the practice we can create superbills upon your request as a courtesy. These invoices provide necessary billing codes for your visits that you can submit to your insurance company if you choose to attempt reimbursement.

Schedule your appointment with Ashland Natural Medicine

Serum and Functional Testing

Two weeks before your initial visit with Dr. Chlebowski, you will be assigned a time on Wednesday morning to meet with our nurse at 9:00 am, 10:00 am or 11:00 am. Please be on time.

Fasting is required at least 8 hours prior to your appointment. You may drink water, coffee or tea. Bring a snack and wear loose fitting clothing. Allow 90 minutes for this visit.

It is a good idea to bring all previous lab work, imaging, and tests performed within the last the two years and ANY testing that is relevant to your current health issues.  If you do not bring this information it will not be considered during the initial analyzation of your health.

“What happens during the serum/functional testing visit?

During this visit you will meet with our nurses and medical assistants for:

  • Serum blood work (general lab testing) - The Serum blood work includes 22 different blood tests that cover the range of many common health conditions like: blood sugar irregularities, autoimmunity, cardiovascular disease, immune system dysfunction, and many more.

  • Biometric Analysis - This is a broad term used to describe testing that tells the doctors about your physiology. For example, one of the tests is Bioimpedence Analysis which shows percentages of body fat, skeletal muscle, mineral content in your bones, hydration status, and overall cell vitality of weakness. 

  • Dark Field microscope live blood and dried blood analysis - This collection can show Dr. Chlebowski hundreds of different patterns in your body with just a few drops of blood. Like the other tests, he will analyze these before your initial consultation with him.

  • Bioenergectic feedback testing - Our nurse will hook you up to a comfortable harness and the machine will then compare upwards of 60,000 frequencies in its database against your energetic signature, seeking matches in regard to likely health complaints, toxins, infections, and imbalances. 

All of these tests give Dr. Chlebowski a comprehensive starting point to understand your body and physiology before you meet with him. So that your new patient visit time can be a dedicated opportunity to hear your complaints and he can begin to assess who you are as a person including your health challenges and goals.

You will also be asked to fill out all intake, consent, and other required forms.

“What is Bioenergetic Feedback testing?”

Extensively utilized in Europe these cutting-edge diagnostics help save patients thousands of dollars in expensive testing while providing answers in real-time during visits. No other clinic in the area utilizes the unique combination of biometric analysis as used at Ashland Natural Medicine. This form of testing can assess endocrine, neurological, cardiovasculer, gastrointestial, reproductive, respiratory, urinary, lymphatic, skeletal, muscular, and integumentary systems, all in our office. Once these systems are assessed, individualized treatment plans are designed to help correct the imbalances found.

Schedule your appointment with Ashland Natural Medicine

Meeting with Dr. Chlebowski

Two to three weeks after your serum/functional testing appointment, you will have your initial consult with Dr. Chlebowski. Plan for 60-90 minutes for this visit. At this time, he will have reviewed all of your testing and any previous reports that you provided to us. He will go over your health history and perform required examinations.

“When do I begin treatment?”

Two to seven days after your initial visit with Dr. Chlebowski you will receive an encrypted email with your new treatment plan. This plan will be comprehensive for everything that Dr. Chlebowski recommends that you to do and medicines to take until your first follow-up visit.

After you receive your initial treatment plan it is your responsibility to contact the clinic to obtain any medicines prescribed, to schedule any follow-up testing, and to schedule your follow-up visits or services.

“How often are the follow-up visits?”

New naturopathic patients should expect to have routine follow-up visits ($245 per visit) at one-month intervals for a duration of 1-2 years depending on the severity of their condition. These follow-ups are critical to ensure that your health is consistently progressing in a positive direction. After 1-2 years patients should expect to see Dr. Chlebowski every 2-3 months.

Long Distance Patients

Dr. Chlebowski has many patients who live in other parts of the world. He is happy to treat people from other locations, but all new patient visits must be in person. Much of the initial treatment plan is dependent on the in-house diagnostics performed in the clinic as well as Dr. Chlebowski’s examination.

If you live greater than 100 miles from Ashland we can possibly plan for you to have your Serum/Functional Testing visit and your New Patient visit with Dr. Chlebowski in the same week. Please ask our support staff about this option, and if it applies to you, we will try to accommodate you in order to save you an extra trip to the clinic.

Once established, patients who live more 100 miles away may choose to have their follow-up visits online. Video consults are a viable option for follow-ups. It is helpful to have a periodic visit in person when possible. But if not, you may be required to express-ship an at-home specimen-collection of your blood (see video for specimen collection procedure) prior to your follow-up visits.

A La Carte Services & Treatments

Listed below are therapies that are available with an abbreviated consult with Dr. Chlebowski. The cost of the consults is $175, not including infusions or treatments, and consults are required in order to receive services at ANM.