Three Foundational Components of Healing
The other day, Dr. Chris and I had a conversation on the topic of spontaneous healing. As our curiosities lead the conversation down myriad paths of parallelism, I continued to ponder on this topic. I asked myself, “What we can do to facilitate better health in our community amongst a rapidly advancing high tech world riddled with stress, dis-ease and infection?” With a little bit of research and contemplation, I’ve condensed it down to three simple considerations that we can do within our personal lives, projectively joining together to create a healthier world.
For the first two factors, I refer to Edgar Cayce. A legendary holistic health advocate, Cayce presented fundamental ideas about healing which required that we maintain a creative balance between the following two principles:
All healing comes from the infinite. That is, from attunement and harmony with our spiritual source. The infinite is just as accessible and available in the visible, physical world as it is in the invisible realm.
At the same time, each person must take responsibility for his or her own healing process. No one can simply sit back and wait passively for healing to occur.( ¹ )
3 Foundational Components of Healing
1. Assume personal responsibility.
Trending over the last 50 or so years, the modern Western medicine culture has quietly transferred the responsibility of health into the hands of health officials, medical experts, and organizations. While no doubt the educated advice of our doctors is valuable, we have surrendered our responsibility of Self passively into the hands of a rapidly advancing medical industry in which, at the basis of its corporate configuration, profit is inherently considered a priority with health while the wellbeing of society is a secondary determinant. We must reclaim our responsibility and proactively facilitate wellbeing within our own lives and our communities in order to cultivate true healing and good health.
2. Return to nature.
In order to achieve true, vibrant health, we must go back to our natural roots, where the real source of well-being flourishes.
The Austrian medical historian, Max Neuburger, stated:
“There are innate or natural laws surrounding life, health and disease. These laws involve man living in harmony with nature and recognizing the wisdom of the body to heal itself.”( ² )
Which leads us to number three…
3. Recognize that healing begins with the energy within.
As an Energy Practitioner, I would argue that while spontaneous healing is indeed possible, the miraculous methods of spirituality or the quick-fix mentality of modern medicine is not as instantaneous as is commonly perceived. Energectically speaking, true health is “planned” through the arrangement of energy resonance in the body.
Consider a loved one plans a surprise birthday party for you. Unbeknownst to you, he or she researches the best secret location for the party, sends invites to the guests, arranges the catering; you get the drift - there’s a lot behind the scenes that goes into planning a surprise party. Finally, every detail is in place. And then one special day, your loved one reveals this wonderful surprise. In the moment of the experience, it may feel spontaneous to you but was actually an organized event.
Think of this loving party-planner as your subconscious mind working behind the scenes to carry out the desires and commands of the conscious/unconscious thought. This quiet director of the body is guided by the patterned promptings of repetitive thought whether conscious or unconscious. One’s belief structures formed by the mind (party planning), and backed by experiential knowledge, creates energy dynamics within the body (party events i.e. physical symptoms). This can bring about a domino effect causing an energetical calibration encouraging healthy, harmonic resonance. As this harmonic resonance expands within the mind-body-energy correlation and is cultivated by personal preferences, this creates a fertile ground for healing to occur (party time!). And as the body’s vibratory energy coincides with this resonance, either momentary or over a period of time, the dis-ease “miraculously” subsides. (SURRR-PRISE!)
In my 15 years as an alternative healthcare professional, I have witnessed that when the connection between the energies of the mind, body and nature are harmonically aligned, healing can and does occur and well-being is reinstated as the natural state of Being.
“During the healthy condition of man the spirit-like force which animates the material body rules supreme as ‘dynamis’. All parts are wonderfully maintained by it as a harmonious vital process, both in feelings and functions, in order that our intelligent mind may be free to make the living, healthy, bodily medium subservient to the higher purpose of our being.”
If you would like to know more about how to alchemize your energy for wellbeing, you may read more at
In Light and good health,
Natasha Sol