What The World Needs Now
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
A Winter Vision
Along with a “gift of sight” comes a great responsibility for conveying the truth of what is psychically seen. What is shared isn’t always popular. But knowledge is power. And it is my passion to help empower others to their greatest degree with the best of my abilities.
This Winter’s Dark Side
Humanity is presently on an unpleasant, albeit temporary, trajectory – a dismal path that we have collectively contributed to whether intentionally or through our complacency or tacit consent. And this winter, we will face our collective manifestation. It’s the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, aka The Law of Responsibility, at its finest.
Surfacing negativity and corresponding world events that play out this winter will seem to run together like a rolling sludge. The best we can do is stand by on the banks and bear witness to the bulging washout of an old paradigm. (Read why less effort is more effective this winter.) To some degree, everyone will feel the effects of this flooding deterioration of former societal structures. It may sound grim but it empowers us to know and acknowledge what we are facing.
It is here that I want to speak to the rising post-vaccine health crisis.
Have you noticed a dramatic increase in medical emergency sirens lately? In the past year, our small clinic has seen a significant upswing of cases with symptoms of debilitating fatigue &/or brain fog, autoimmunity or rapidly-advancing cancer. All of these cases have a glaring common denominator. And we are not the only ones seeing the connection.
We have a sincere concern for our loved ones, friends, patients and others in the community who have taken the mRNA injections. If you are concerned about your wellbeing post-vaccine, you may consider adding the following protocol to your healthcare regime. Or you may follow the FLCCC post-vaccine guidelines.
7 Tips For Post-Vaccination Support
• Vitamin D 2000 mg (or the dose recommended by your health care professional)
• Zinc - 30 mg daily
• Vitamin C – 2000 mg daily
RECEIVE REIKI-ENERGY WORK - Helps heal tissues and reestablish healthy energy flow within the body’s toroidal field.
APPLY 172 hz FREQUENCY DAILY - Through sound or tincture form, this frequency realigns the body’s harmonics with nature’s dominant frequency thus promoting wellbeing.
• Pycnogenol 100 mg 2X per day• Daily dry skin brushing
• Cold water rinse at the end of a shower
• Lymphatic massage
• Quercitin 500 mg 3X per day
• D-Dimer
• Troponin
• Liposomal Glutathoine 200 mg per day
• Weekly Infrared saunas
• Castor Oil packs 3-5X per week
Looking Towards The Bright Side
The Universal Law of Polarity shows us the contrast of every experience. This contrast of opposites can help us to refine our focus. Behind every dark storm cloud, the sun is shining on the opposite side. Are we going to bring an umbrella or a pair of sunglasses?
The Law of Rhythm tells us that everything is temporary. There is a natural ebb and flow to all events and experiences. This is where the phrase, “This too shall pass” comes from. It’s not just an adage - it’s a Universal Law! Together, these two laws offer us hope and reassurance that we will pull through a dark winter.
As an end of an age comes to a close, humanity can direct its focus towards a new horizon - where a clean slate awaits us, rising like the morning sun. Collectively, we can wield our energy towards building a better world that we dream of - echoing the vision that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of. We can be free at last.
This vision and goal is where we can focus our energy this winter. It is up to us to exercise our faith muscle and ignite our vision as a beacon of hope during these dark times. We have the opportunity to pull together and create safe havens within our communities to support one another. Corporations, pharmaceutical companies, and their conveniences do not support our local communities. They are not going to show up at our door step when we are in need. But our neighbors, small businesses, and other individuals within our communities will. We must return to a simplistic and healthy way of life if we are to thrive while the world falls apart.
No News Is Good News
This winter, the ANM staff has decided to commit to a No Media Challenge. This includes no news articles, videos or shows and no doom scrolling on social media for one month. Instead, we are choosing to devote our time and energy towards positive upliftment. We invite you to join us. Here are some ideas:
Meditate or sit silently in Divine Presence
Serve someone a healthy meal
Call a friend you haven’t spoken with in a long time
Watch a funny movie
Visit your local library to check-out an edifying book
Here are my recommendationsTake a dance class
Create an infographic on a topic you enjoy
Visit a place in your local community where you haven’t been before
Smile to strangers on the street
Let’s not forget or disregard the power of our joy. Read what the Pleaidians have to say about this powerful emotion. Joy is significantly higher from dread or despair in the vibrational frequency scale. When we cultivate joy within our lives, its vibration acts as a counterbalance to the doom and gloom, rippling out from our toroidal field to those around us. Imagine what we can do if we band together!